Unclaimed Apartment or Utilities Refund Accounts

Get Your Money Back: Unclaimed Apartment or Utilities Refund Accounts

Moving out of an apartment or closing a utility account can result in unclaimed refunds. Here’s how to recover these funds.


Finding Unclaimed Refunds

Start by contacting the relevant entities:

  • Landlords and Utility Companies: Reach out to previous landlords or utility providers to inquire about unclaimed refunds.
  • State Unclaimed Property Offices: If the refund wasn’t delivered, it might be with the state. Search their unclaimed property database.

Claiming Your Refunds

To claim unclaimed refunds, follow these steps:

  • Identification and Documentation: Provide ID and any account closure documents or final bills.
  • State Procedures: Each state has specific steps for claiming unclaimed property, so follow their instructions carefully.
Don’t let unclaimed money slip through your fingers. Take a moment to search your state’s unclaimed property database and see if you have any hidden treasures waiting to be claimed. Visit Your State’s Unclaimed Property Office to start your search today!