North Dakota is currently holding over $50 million in unclaimed money and property. They launched a new website in 2018 to help current and former residents identify and claim money owed to them. The website has a live counter showing the amount of money it has returned (we think since their program outreach started) and is currently at just under $75 million.
Here are some fun facts about North Dakota’s unclaimed money accounts. According to a report, ND’s unclaimed property accounts include 300 old savings and war bonds worth $16,000. Another fun fact is that there are at least two accounts that are worth over $1 million.
How To Search And Claim For Unclaimed Money in North Dakota
North Dakota’s new website and searching process is much easier and streamlines the process greatly. Simply put in your name and click search. Using our search strategies will help in ensuring all results you are looking for show up and you get your money back! Search results show the owner and co-owner names as well as who reported the property, or the holder. Also included is the city, zip code and property ID. The results include a range of amounts the claim is under. $0-$49.99, $50-$100, and over $100. The Amount section also will indicate if the claim is tangible property or shares of stock.
Click on Claim and the property is added to the cart. Then click view properties in cart to view your claim info and begin the claim process. The online system makes it easy to simply add the required information and submit the claim. It can take six to eight weeks for a claim to process and should the state need additional documentation there is a place to upload them right on the website. Also on the North Dakota unclaimed money website is a place to check the status of the claim. All you need for both of these is the property ID.
Like some states, North Dakota allows others to help search and claim accounts for its residents. Those individuals are called Heirfinders and it has some stricter laws than most states. One of the two pieces to the unclaimed money finder law in ND is that all missing money finders must be private investigators. They then can pay for a PDF of all the unclaimed money accounts, including amounts and last know addresses. Like most states with finders, North Dakota requires that a contract be signed between the finder and claim owner or heir. These contracts can only be enforceable if the state has had the property for more than 24 months. There is also a cap on the fees at ten percent of the total claim.
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