
Search Unclaimed Property By State

Search unclaimed property by state!  Your unclaimed money journey begins by simply clicking on any state you have lived in and it will take you to the states’ website where you can search for unclaimed money and unclaimed property for free. Chances are, if you are owed money a state government has its hands on it.  Each state has its own timeline, and it depends on what type of unclaimed funds we are talking about, but most state have between a 1-5 year window for a company to return its property to you.  Some types of missing money search terms can include partial names (in case of misspellings on unclaimed property claims.  Make sure to organize and enter your search data in such a way to find unclaimed funds for your sister, brother, grandchildren, parents, school, church, town, place of business, co-workers and more!

Unclaimed money is the popular term for unclaimed property.  Unclaimed property is defined, as “monetary or physical assets which have become separate from their rightful owners over time.” Another term often used is unclaimed funds as well as missing money.  Unclaimed searching can be difficult, be sure to use proper searching strategies which include looking for loved ones who have passed away as their claims can sometimes be lost after they are gone.  Some states will use the term unclaimed property, know that it does also include unclaimed money, each state treasurer or controller may call it something different.

Search Unclaimed Property By State..Unclaimed Money is the popular term for unclaimed property

Alabama  |  Alaska  |  Arizona  |  Arkansas  |  California

Colorado  |  Connecticut  |  Delaware  |  Florida  |  Georgia

Hawaii  |  Idaho  |  Illinois  |  Indiana  |  Iowa

Kansas  |  Kentucky  |  Louisiana  |  Maine  |  Maryland

Massachusetts  |  Michigan  |  Minnesota  |  Mississippi  |  Missouri

Montana  |  Nebraska  |  Nevada  |  New Hampshire  |  New Jersey

 New Mexico  |  New York  |  North Dakota  |  North Carolina  |  Ohio

Oklahoma  |  Oregon  |  Pennsylvania  |  Rhode Island  |  South Carolina

South Dakota  |  Tennessee  |  Texas  |  Utah  |  Vermont

 Virginia  |  Washington  |  West Virginia  |  Wisconsin  |  Wyoming
