There are billions of dollars in unclaimed money and unclaimed property waiting for residents of New York state to claim them. According to the New York Unclaimed Money Page, the state holds over $14 Billion in unclaimed funds and returns over $1 million daily to those who submit claims.
New York Unclaimed Money Statistics
So far in 2015 the New York State Controller, who collects, distributes and manages unclaimed funds in the state, has returned over $450 million dollars to its rightful owners. However, they are collecting more than they are giving out. From April 2014 to March 2015 they collected more than $800 million. 36% of all unclaimed money reported was from bank accounts while 20% was from insurance companies. The largest account that is still unclaimed is for $1.7 million and is from one account. That means that there is 1 person who lives or has lived in the state of New York that is owed $1.7 million. Searching is free so why not see if that is you!