When looking for unclaimed money, many search the names of themselves, their friends and even loved ones who have passed away. One search strategy that is not as commonly used is looking up businesses and even school names to see if money is owed to them.
An article recently published in the Kansas/Missouri area uncovered:
‘hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars going unclaimed by school districts, local and state governments in both Kansas and Missouri.’
More than 900 schools or school related accounts in Kansas are owed money, totaling at least $143,945. At least 507 Kansas cities are owed more than $195,000, state records show.Missouri has at least 604 unclaimed property listings with “school” in the title and 1,446 cities have unclaimed money in the Show-Me State.
Missouri has at least 604 unclaimed property listings with “school” in the title and 1,446 cities have unclaimed money in the Show-Me State.
Many of these cities and schools have multiple thousands of dollars that can be lost on utility deposits and unclaimed checks or refunds. Since they are in individuals it is far less likely for someone to search for them.
Unclaimed Money Totals in Massachusetts over $2.4 Billion
Massachusetts, like many states in the US now has not millions but billions in unclaimed money and unclaimed property. Also like most states each year they are able to increase the number they return, but also the number they collect.
According to a recent article, over the last two years Massachusetts has returned over $225 million in unclaimed funds to its rightful owners. As with all states, be sure to use our search strategies when looking for missing money to increase the likely hood of a match.
Like some states, Mass also has auctions for unclaimed property, physical items that have gone unclaimed. They have regular auctions and that information can be found here